Tip of the day: If you still have users on plaintext port 6667, consider enabling Strict Transport Security to gently move users to SSL/TLS on port 6697.

JSON-RPC:Client Object

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This can be a user, a server or a freshly accepted connection that is still in the handshake and we don't know yet what it will be.

Detail level Variable Description Example value
0+ name The name of the client (nick name, server name, ..) Syzop
0+ id The unique client ID 001F9RV02
1+ hostname Resolved hostname (or IP) xyz.example.org
1+ ip IP address of the user (empty for services)
1+ details Detailed description of the client.
The output depends on the type of client and what information we have.

[email protected]

1+ geoip GeoIP information regarding the IP address of the user (not always available) (see next)
1+ geoip.country_code The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code NL
2+ server_port Server TCP port (unrealircd side) 6697
2+ client_port Client TCP port (client side) 37030
2+ connected_since Date/time when the client connected (only available for local clients) 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
2+ idle_since Last time the client said anything in PM or channel (only available for local clients) 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
2+ tls If the client is using SSL/TLS then this contains a tls object which has two members (see next)
2+ tls.cipher The TLS cipher negotiated with the client TLSv1.3-TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
2+ tls.certfp The client Certificate fingerprint (if any) aafe66a7d808e1fca077805c54b1274a92d30c3023e35ec130f358d238218296
2+ user If the client is a user (a person) then additional information is available in this object. See client.user object
2+ server If the client is a server then additional information is available in this object. See client.server object

See also below for the user and server objects.

client.user object

If the client is a user then there is a user object within the client object:

Detail level Variable Description Example value
2+ user.username The user name / ident ~xyz
2+ user.realname The real name / GECOS IRC User
2+ user.vhost If the user is +x or +t this contains the vhost/cloakedhost oper/netadmin.test.net
2+ user.cloakedhost The calculated cloaked host, even if the user is not +x Mask-8608861.example.net
2+ user.servername The server to which the user is connected irc.example.net
2+ user.account The account name, if the user is logged in to Services. SomeAccount
2+ user.reputation The reputation score. 10000
2+ user.security-groups The security groups that the user is in. ["known-users"]
2+ user.modes The user modes of the user. "iwx"
2+ user.snomasks The snomasks of the user, if they are IRCOp. "iwx"
2+ user.operlogin The name of the oper { } block, if they are IRCOp. "iwx"
2+ user.snomasks The oper::operclass, if they are IRCOp. "iwx"
3 user.channels The channels the user is in.
Minimized and capped at 384 bytes total length.
4 user.channels The channels the user is in with the level [{"name": "#a", "level": "o"}, {"name": "#b", "level": "o"}, {"name": "#c", "level": "o"}]

client.server object

If the client is a server then there is a server object within the client object:

Detail level Description Example value
2+ server.info The server description Primary IRC server of example.net
2+ server.num_users Number of currently connected users 123
2+ server.boot_time Date/time the server was started 2022-05-23T11:02:06.000Z
2+ server.synced Set to 1 if the server is synced, 0 if the server is currently linking in and syncing users/channels/etc. 1
2+ server.features.software Server software version in use UnrealIRCd 6.0.0
2+ server.features.protocol UnrealIRCd protocol version 6000
2+ server.features.usermodes User modes supported by this server abcd
2+ server.features.chanmodes Channel modes supported by this server.
This is an array of 4 strings, the same format as IRC numeric 005 CHANMODES=.
2+ server.features.nick_character_sets Nick Character Sets supported by this server. Comma separated string.