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Snomasks are server notice masks. It's a special type of user mode that controls which server notices you will receive. Only IRCOps can set snomasks.

Server notices look like this: -irc1.example.org- connect.LOCAL_CLIENT_DISCONNECT [info] Client connecting: Nick ([email protected]) [] [class: clients] [reputation: 1000]. JSON data can be included as well, which can be useful for client coders, scripts or bots, see Enabling on IRC under JSON logging.

Snomasks can be set by: /MODE yournick +s SNOMASK, for example: /MODE yournick +s +cF. To remove certain snomasks, use something like: /MODE yournick +s -c, or to remove all snomasks use /MODE yournick -s.

You can control which snomasks IRCOps receive by default via set::snomask-on-oper (which defaults to +bBcdfkqsSoO), or in specific oper blocks via oper::snomask.

NOTE: In UnrealIRCd 6 the snomask letters are different compared to UnrealIRCd 5.

The available snomasks are:

Snomask Description
b Server bans (KLINE, GLINE, SHUN, etc)
B Messages from the DNS blacklist module
c Local client connects
C Remote client connects (on other servers, except services/u-lines)
d Rejected DCC's due to Deny dcc blocks
D Debugging / junk (not recommended to set, can be noisy about completely harmless things)
f flood notices (recommended)
j joins, parts and kicks
k kill notices (/KILL usage)
n Local nick changes
N Remote nick change notices
q Deny nick (QLINE) rejection notices
r SPAMREPORT and Spamreport block usage notices (from v6.1.2+)
R JSON-RPC usage notices (from v6.0.6+)
s Server notices: all other notices that do not fit in the other snomasks (includes very important messages, highly recommended to set)
S Spamfilter hits
o IRCOp overriding in channels (OperOverride)
O IRCOp changing user properties (/CHGNAME, /CHGIDENT, /CHGHOST, ..) or forcing a user to do things (/SAJOIN, /SAPART)
v VHOST usage

You can also create your own (new) snomasks via the log block, in particular in the example Create your own custom snomask.