Tip of the day: Check out Special users on how to give trusted users/bots more rights without making them IRCOp.

Standard variables

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You can use use certain variables like $nick and $ip in various config items.

This functionality only exists in UnrealIRCd 6.1.8 and later


This functionality is available in: oper::vhost, vhost::vhost, blacklist::reason


The following variables are supported that expand information about the user:

  • $nick: Nickname
  • $username: Username (ident)
  • $realname: Real name (also called gecos)
  • $ip: IP address
  • $hostname: Hostname
  • $servername: name of the IRC server
  • $account: If logged into Services then the account name, otherwise 0 (zero)
  • $operlogin: If the user is an IRCOp, then the name of the Oper block
  • $operclass: If the user is an IRCOp, then the name of the operclass (oper::operclass)
  • $country_code: The country code of the user (eg: US) or XX if unknown.
  • $asn: The ASN of the users' IP, or 0 if unknown.

If the user is in the handshake phase then some fields will not be available such as $nick, simply because we have don't have that info yet. This happens for instance in case of quick blacklist killing, and thus applies to variables in blacklist::reason.