Tip of the day: The Security article gives hands-on tips on how to deal with drone attacks, flooding, spammers, (D)DoS and more.


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Regular name Soft name Description
kill soft-kill Kills the user. The user may still reconnect.
tempshun soft-tempshun Shuns the current session of the user, this makes it so the user cannot send any commands anymore. When the user reconnects, the shun is gone.
shun soft-shun Puts a shun on the IP, this makes it so the user cannot send any commands anymore.
kline soft-kline Puts a kline on the IP. The user can no longer connect to this server.
gline soft-gline Puts a gline on the IP. The user can no longer connect to any server in this IRC network.
zline Puts a zline on the IP. The user can no longer connect to this server.
Note that a ZLINE causes very quick killing which means that SSL/TLS users will not see a proper error message and TKL exceptions won't work. Only use zlines if you are sure the user/IP is hostile, otherwise use a kline instead.
gzline Puts a gzline (global zline) on the IP. The user can no longer connect to any server in this IRC network.
Note that a (G)ZLINE causes very quick killing which means that SSL/TLS users will not see a proper error message and TKL exceptions won't work. Only use gzlines if you are sure the user/IP is hostile, otherwise use a gline instead.
block soft-block Block the message (or action) only
dccblock soft-dccblock Mark the user so they are unable to send files through DCC
viruschan soft-viruschan Part all channels, join set::spamfilter::virus-help-channel, disables all commands except PONG, ADMIN, and msg/notices to set::spamfilter::virus-help-channel
warn soft-warn Send a notice to IRCOps (spamfilter snomask), and inform the user that the message has been intercepted. No further action is taken, the message is not blocked.
set Set a tag on the user (or change REPUTATION). This can be:
  • action { set SCORE=5; } - set SCORE to 5
  • action { set SCORE++; } - increase the value of SCORE with 1
  • action { set SCORE+=5; } - increase the value of SCORE with 5
  • action { set SCORE--; } - decrease the value of SCORE with 1
  • action { set SCORE-=5; } - decrease the value of SCORE with 5

The tag name SCORE is just an example, it can be named anything you want and will persist for the lifetime of the connection.
You can use the special tag name REPUTATION to adjust the Reputation score of the users' IP.
You can evaluate a tag value via tag(SCORE) in spamfilter::rule in the Spamfilter block.
This feature only exists in UnrealIRCd 6.1.2 and higher. If you you decrease the reputation score (REPUTATION) then all your servers need to be on 6.1.2 and higher for this to work properly.

report Report the incident via a Spamreport block. This can be report name-of-spamreport-block; or it can be report; to call all spamreport blocks.
This feature only exists in UnrealIRCd 6.1.2 and higher
stop Stop processing any other spamfilter rules. This only works in spamfilter::action.
This feature only exists in UnrealIRCd 6.1.2 and higher