Tip of the day: If you still have users on plaintext port 6667, consider enabling Strict Transport Security to gently move users to SSL/TLS on port 6697.

Translations:User & Oper commands/10/en

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All commands have an optional [flag] parameter (rarely used!):

  • -dns: Reinitialize and reload the resolver
  • -garbage: Force garbage collection
  • -motd: Only re-read all MOTD, BOTMOTD, OPERMOTD and RULES files
  • -ssl: reload the SSL certificate and key

|IRCOp-only |- !RESTART [password] <reason> !built-in |This will restart UnrealIRCd. All users will be disconnected. The password is necessary if you have configured one in the DRpass block. (Needs extra permission, see Operclass_permissions#server.) |IRCOp-only |- !RMTKL !rmtkl |Mass remove TKLs such as *LINES and Spamfilters. Run the /RMTKL command without parameters for usage instructions. | |- !RULES !rules |Show the RULES file (ircd.rules by default). | |- !SAJOIN <nick> <channel> !sajoin |Force a user to join a channel |IRCOp-only |- !SAMODE <channel> <mode...> !samode |Change a MODE on a channel. Can be used if you don't have ops (and without OperOverride) |IRCOp-only |- !SAPART <nick> <channel> !sapart |Force a user to leave a channel |IRCOp-only |- !SASL !sasl |SASL is used for authentication. You don't use this command directly, it should be handled by your IRC client. | |- !SDESC !sdesc |Change server description (the one in /LINKS and such) |IRCOp-only |- !SETHOST <host> !sethost |Change your own host |IRCOp-only |- !SETIDENT !setident |Change your ident / username. You usually can change this in your IRC client as well, this is just for convenience to change it without needing to disconnect. |IRCOp-only |- !SETNAME !setname |Change your real name (gecos). You usually can change this in your IRC client as well, this is just for convenience to change it without needing to disconnect. | |- !SILENCE <+nickname/-nickname> !silence |Add or remove users to the silence list. Users on the silence list can't private message you (you can still see channel messages of them, however) | |- !SQUIT <server> !squit |Unlink/de-link a server. |IRCOp-only |- !STARTTLS !starttls |Switch over the current IRC session to SSL/TLS. This is handled by your IRC client, you never execute this manually. | |- !STAFF !staff |Shows a custom file, specified via set::staff-file. This is quite similar to MOTD and RULES but yet another file...
NOTE: This module is NOT loaded by default. | |- !STATS !stats |Show statistics, mostly server configuration information such as the list of current Allow block, Link block, etc. Use '/STATS' without parameters to get a list. Example: /STATS u shows the server uptime. |IRCOp-only (usually) |- !TIME !time |Show current date/time of the server | |- !style=white-space:nowrap|SPAMFILTER .... KLINE <user@host> [duration] [reason]
GLINE <user@host> [duration] [reason]
ZLINE <*@ip> [duration] [reason]
GZLINE <*@ip> [duration] [reason]
SHUN <user@host> [duration] [reason]
!tkl |Except for Spamfilter which is documented elsewhere and SHUN, all these commands will kill users from a specific host or IP and prevent them to connect:

  • KLINE will add a local kill line, only effective on the server you execute it on
  • ZLINE is similar but will prevent connections even sooner in the handshake (even before IP lookups, etc)
  • GLINE is simply a Global KLine, so network-wide
  • GZLINE is a Global ZLINE, so network-wide
  • SHUN is a little different: it makes the user unable to execute any commands, but otherwise allows the user to be online

In addition to the user@host syntax you can also use a nickname, UnrealIRCd will then ban that specific IP (saves you from doing a /WHOIS).
Example 1: /GLINE *@*.nl 4h I don't like the Dutch will ban everyone with a hostname ending in .nl with the reason "I don't like the Dutch". This GLINE will expire after 4 hours (it will be unset automatically after that period).
Example 2: /GZLINE *@10.* 0 I hate you will ban the IP range 10.* permanently (because the duration is zero). |IRCOp-only |- !TEMPSHUN <nick> !tkl |Temporarily SHUN a user. That is: the user may no longer execute any commands (except ADMIN). |IRCOp-only |- !TOPIC <channel> <topic> !topic |Change the topic of a channel |If chan is +t: +hoaq,
otherwise anyone. |- !TRACE <server|nick> !trace |Trace the path to another server or nick (technical) |IRCOp-only |- !TSCTL TIME